Christmas gifts for photographers

December 18, 2023

Samantha Couick

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Photographers

It’s that time of year again….trying to find the best stocking stuffer or Christmas gifts for photographers. Instead of getting them the lens coffee cup that they probably have 5 of, consider these 10 options! They are also on Amazon Prime, so you still have time…you can thank me later. Here’s 10 Christmas gift ideas for photographers!

1. Universal Lens Caps

It’s a joke at this point in the photography community. For some reason we just cannot keep our lens caps- they always end up in fields, the washing machine or buried in our camera bag. So instead of keeping up with these little guys, get the universal lens cap that can be used on any size lens and is big enough we won’t lose it easily. This is the perfect Christmas gift for a photographer! Here’s a link for you to buy!

lens caps

2. Disposable Cameras

These are so much fun to have handy. What better gift than give the gift of memories! I would absolutely love to have these in my stocking. As a wedding photographer, I’ve seen so many disposable cameras at receptions and I think they are so fun! So add those to the stockings for some fun memories you can print! Here’s a link to snag yours.

disposable cameras


Look, your photographer friends LOVE snacks. We stash them in our bags and our cars for whenever we travel for a wedding or session. Or we keep them for a long wedding day. Help us out by adding to our snack stash and we will love you forever. Preferably some healthy snacks so we can mostly take care of ourselves. This is a great gift for a photographer, so click this link to find some yummy snacks.

larabar minis snacks

4. Phone Tripod Mount

Photographers are notorious for being bad at getting behind the scenes video, yet we definitely need it for social media. So help make our lives a little easier by giving this awesome phone tripod mount! It’s small and easy to connect to our camera so we can shoot and take video all at the same time. So help us get some BTS to market our biz and click this lil link.

phone tripod mount

5. SD Cards

We can never have too many of these babies! During busy season we go through SO many SD cards, so it is so helpful to have these on hand! These are the perfect gift for photographers. They are small and can easily fit in a stocking- even a handful of them would be awesome! Here’s a link to get them so you can give them.

SD card

6. SD Card Holder

Now that we have some SD cards in our stockings, it’s awesome to have somewhere to put them! This is an awesome Christmas gift for photographer friends. It’s small enough to fit in a Christmas stocking but makes a big impact. We need a safe place to keep those precious memories! Grab them before it’s too late–Here’s a link!

SD card holder

7. Liquid IV

Not only do we need food to keep us going through a long wedding day, but we also need some liquids to hydrate ourselves. Liquid IV is one of those things that hits with a punch and keeps us going. I definitely would not be mad about receiving these in my Christmas stocking. So if you want to help us stay hydrated, click here.

8. Camera and Lens Cleaning Kit

A camera and lens cleaning kit is often forgotten about and we definitely don’t do it enough. But give us this extra nudge to clean our cameras and we will thank you. You can find the cleaning kit here!

9. Large SD Card Holder

This baby is super helpful for more general SD card storage. I use it for my used SD cards and the other smaller one for my unused SD cards! It’s so easy to use and you can even label it! This one is still small enough to stick in a Christmas stocking! Here’s a link to it.

10. Epsom Salts

Lastly, after a long day of being on our feet at a wedding, some Epsom salts to soak our feet in would be an ideal gift for your photographer friend. By the end of the day our bodies are hurting from holding lots of gear, standing in awkward angles to “get the shot” and barely sitting. SO by the end of the day soaking in some salts to get the spa feeling would be lovely. I really love these salts.

epsom salt christmas gift

Hopefully these ideas will get you on the right track as you look for the perfect Christmas gift for your favorite photographer! Or if you are a photographer wanting to give yourself the perfect gift, your welcome. I hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas friends.

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